Appreciative Safety Culture

What is a safety culture and how do you describe it? These questions are always of concern to experts. The Pro-Safety-Culture-House illustrates what is needed to sustainably implement a safety culture which is VALUE-appreciating, VALUABLE and of EQUAL-VALUE.

Leadership Strength and Leadership Culture are two important pillars in the Pro- Safety Culture House. However, the central pillar is formed by programs for a joint change in attitude and behavior across all levels.

Pro-Safety Culture House

For a stable and sustainable safety culture in any organization, all components of the pro- safety culture house must be developed and strengthened.

The foundation and the ground plate are formed, among other things, by a high-quality safety organization (safety specialists and safety officers). The issue here is not just that these functions are in place, but how they are positioned, managed and, if necessary, protected in practice. The safety organizations are the supporters and coaches of the line organization, but the implementation of the tasks remains in the operating line.

Leadership Strength and Leadership Culture are two pillars that cannot be easily separated. Leadership Strength is required to establish safety rules and to demand their consistent implementation in a binding manner. Of course, exemplary behavior by managers is an important factor in ensuring acceptance of the rules. The leadership culture, on the other hand, describes how people deal with each other. In occupational safety, it is a matter of looking at safe actions and recognizing what is already working. Thus, the leadership culture is much about VALUATION for positive actions in day-to-day practice.

The pillar on Monitoring and Steering represents the implementation of appropriate metrics to guide prevention work rather than an evaluation of occupational safety based on workplace accidents or other incidents.

Involving Employees is a complex but successful way to increase intrinsic motivation to work safely. In lean management, it is common to involve employees in optimizing their workplaces. A successful safety culture journey also requires employee involvement in workplace safety within their sphere of influence.

The central pillar for Change in Attitude and Behavior reflects the premium task in occupational safety with approaches of behavior-based safety. With targeted interactions, managers, the safety organization and employees work on the VALUING reinforcement of safe actions, as well as an optimization of unsafe situations.

All of this together results in a safety culture (the roof of the house of culture) that positions occupational safety as equally VALUABLE alongside other corporate parameters, i.e. occupational safety no longer has to be communicatively exaggerated with "Safety First" but is considered equally VALUABLE in corporate decisions. The positive charging of occupational safety with a VALUABLE communication makes it a VALUABLE element of the leadership and corporate culture.

Services of Concept-Pro-Safety

Concept-Pro-Safety offers support on all the building blocks of the House of Safety Culture. During the consultation and accompaniment of organizations, competencies are imparted to enable the organization itself to improve the company conceptually and professionally through a strong occupational safety and health.